Friday, July 15, 2011

Anyone know this checkers/draughts variant?

I learned it from a friend - don't know where it comes from, and it's not mentioned in wikipedia. He claims it is called "monsters". Similar to normal draughts or checkers, but when a piece is captured, instead of being removed from the board, it stays underneath the capturing piece. If you jump over a stack of two or more pieces, you just skim off the top one, which sometimes brings a different coloured piece to the top of the stack. The player whose piece is on the top controls the whole stack. As the game progresses, you get fewer and fewer stacks but they get taller and taller. Game ends when one player has no pieces left (i.e. they are all underneath opponent's pieces). Ever heard of this? I should add, it's a brilliant game - way better than standard draughts!

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